Bible Street Community Garden

Founded in 2014, the Bible Street Community Garden is located in Cos Cob and features 92 raised beds and 12 Universal Access plots for those with limited mobility. There is a rainwater harvesting system on site, a pollinator-friendly Welcome Garden, a woodland berry garden, and a meadow with beehives.

The garden is supplied with organic soil, composting bins, and sheds filled with garden tools, gloves, and wheelbarrows. There is water on site. Organic seeds and seedlings are often provided by local nurseries, individual donors, seed companies, and volunteers working in partnership with the Greenwich Land Trust greenhouse.

Some of the beds at the garden are used to grow produce for our “Neighborly Harvest Program,” which grows hundreds of pounds of fresh vegetables annually for our Neighbor to Neighbor food pantry in Greenwich.

This video was made throughout a recent season by gardener Susan Maher. Thank you, Susan!

Growing a healthy community